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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(5): 426-430.

Development of procedures for the treatment of acute liver failure

Eva Kieslichová, Milan Ročeň  , Soňa Fraňková  1

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During the last decade there have been many changes in how we care for patients with acute liver failure which provides them with a better chance of survival. With improved diagnostic capacities the cause of disease can be diagnosed more frequently than previously. It is important to determine the prognosis and to implement a specific therapy. Improvement in the overall management of patients in intensive care (intracranial pressure monitoring, prevention and treatment of early signs of intracranial hypertension, therapeutic hypothermia, microbiological monitoring and prophylaxis, modalities of renal replacement therapy), development of surgical techniques and perioperative care are the factors that have led to improved survival after an urgent livertransplantation for acute liver failure. Despite many improvements in the care of the patients with acute liver failure, mortality without livertransplantation is still high. Therefore, better understanding of the pathogenesis of acute liver failure and providing effective supportive therapy remains a core issue.


acute liver failure, liver transplantation

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