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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(5): 388–394. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2024388.

EUS-guided radiofrequency ablation in the pancreas

Jana Jarošová1, Alžběta Hujová1, Peter Mačinga  1, Tomáš Hucl  1

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Incident cystic lesions of the pancreas are diagnosed with increased frequency due to increased use of CT or MR imaging in asymptomatic patients who undergo imaging for other reasons. Certain lesions such as neuroendocrine tumors, mucinous cystadenomas, and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia are at significant risk of the presence or development of malignancy. Endosonographically guided radiofrequency ablation allows selective ablation of the pancreatic lesion with minimal damage to surrounding tissue and could be an alternative treatment modality for patients who do not want or cannot undergo surgery or do not wish to have a long-term follow-up. Based on the available pilot studies, EUS-RFA appears to be a promising technically feasible method for the treatment of pancreatic neoplasia, which has demonstrated high technical and acceptable clinical success rates with low morbidity. This communication offers a clear summary of the use of EUS-RFA in solid and cystic pancreatic neoplasia concluding with two case reports of patients. In both cases, endoscopic treatment was technically feasible and no periprocedural or postprocedural complications occurred.


radiofrequency ablation, pancreas, neuroendocrine tumor, pancreatic cystic lesion

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