Recommendation of surgical treatment in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases – part 3: ulcerative colitis, indications for surgery
Zuzana Šerclová 1, Ondřej Ryska 1, Martin Bortlík 2,3,4, Dana Ďuricová 2, Robert Gürlich5, Pavel Lisý5, Július Örhalmi 6, Pavel Kohout 7, Lucie Prokopová 8, Vladimír Zbořil 8, Tomáš Douda 9, Pavel Drastich 10, Aleš Novotný 11, Petra Matějková 12,13, Karel Mareš 14, Olga Shonová 15, Luděk Hrdlička 16,1, Jana Koželuhová 17, Jiří Stehlík 18, Mojmír Kasalický 19,20, Jaroslav Kalvach21, Jiří Bronský 22, Marie Tomanová23, Martin Liberda 24, Přemysl Falt 25, Milan Lukáš 2
+ Affiliation
Ulcerative colitis is primarily treated conservatively. Surgical treatment consists of the removal of the large bowel with or without restoration of intestinal continuity. The third part of the recommendations for surgical treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases addresses the indications for acute and elective surgery. The recommendations were elaborated by the Czech IBD Working Group of the Czech Society of Gastroenterology and the IBD Surgery Section of the Czech Surgical Society.
surgical treatment, guidelines, indications, ulcerative colitisLiterature
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