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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2017; 71(6): 510–516. doi:10.14735/amgh2017510.

Obesity and kidney

Vladimír Teplan  1,2,3, Martin Lukáš  4, Pavel Beňo5,6, Milan Lukáš  4

+ Affiliation


Many studies have confirmed the close link between obesity and renal disease. Direct damage is caused by obesity-induced nephropathy, hypertension, and diabetes. The mechanism responsible for nephron damage has not yet been fully elucidated, but no doubt it involves hemodynamic, metabolic, and local inflammation factors. Methods and Results: Management focuses on controlling of hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia and, of course, restricting food energy intake and increasing physical activity. We prefer to use the least invasive methods to minimise internal environment disturbances. If these approaches are not successful, other methods must be used such as endoscopy and bariatric surgery. Due to potential risk of mineral and water disturbances, surgery management is indicated only in special case of serious obesity, mainly before kidney transplantation, but number of cases treated in this way is growing worldwide. Conclusion: It was repeatedly confirmed that in patients with a remarkable reduction of visceral fat mass, renal function was corrected, proteinuria decreased, hypertension and diabetes were better managed, and therefore their long-term well-being and life expectancy were also much better.


bariatrics, diet, endoscopy, nephropathy, obesity

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