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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2018; 72(4): 304–308. doi:10.14735/amgh2018304.

Experimental enteroscopy using a capsule with a side view

Ilja Tachecí1, Jaroslav Květina  2, Eva Peterová2, Věra Radochová3, Marcela Kopáčová  1, Jan Bureš  1

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Intoduction: Capsule endoscopy is a standard diagnostic method used especially in small bowel investigations. The main advantage is its non-invasiveness, both in clinical practice and in experimental settings. Aim: The aim of this pilot project was to develop a methodology to allow capsule endoscopy with a panoramic side view in an experimental pig and to verify this methodology in healthy animals. Methodology: A capsule endoscope with a side view was introduced into the duodenum of six healthy female pigs weighing 37.3 ± 3.0 kg using a gastroscope. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia. After the examination was completed, the endoscopic capsule was captured and the data were extracted and evaluated. Endoscopic findings, transit time through the small intestine, total examination time, and visibility of the small intestinal surface (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) were evaluated in all animals. Results: Capsule endoscopy was performed without complications in all animals. In one case, the capsule returned and persisted in the stomach for the entire investigation. Enteroscopic findings were normal in all the remaining five animals. Conclusions: Capsule endoscopy is technically feasible. Endoscopic findings in the small intestine obtained by this method are comparable to those obtained in humans. The experimental capsule endoscopy results could provide an important basis for further preclinical projects.


Sus scrofa f. domestica, experimental pig, capsule endoscopy, preclinical studies

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