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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(3): 236–241. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2024236.

Endoscopic submucosal dissection in a population with a low incidence of gastric cancer

Ondřej Urban1, Přemysl Falt  1, Vincent Dansou Zoundjiekpon1, Daniela Skanderová2, Daniela Kurfürstová2, Dušan Klos3

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Introduction: Gastric cancer is a serious disease with a decreasing incidence. In the treatment of its early stages, endoscopic methods, especially endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), are used significantly. Methods: We present the results of 64 consecutive ESD gastric lesions. We performed ESD using a conventional technique with a circular incision followed by submucosal dissection with the DualKnife tool. In cases of carcinomas, we assessed the outcome of ESD according to the eCura scoring system. Results: We achieved en bloc resection in 88% and R0 resection in 72%. Significant bleeding occurred in 8% and perforation in 3%; we managed all complications conservatively, where the lethal rate was zero. Of the 58 ESD neoplastic lesions, 42 (72%) were curative. We considered 6 (10%) patients for surgery after ESD, and it was performed in 2 (3%). Conclusion: In the conditions of a country with a low incidence of gastric cancer, we consider ESD to be a safe method with significant curative potential.


endsocopic submucosal dissection, gastric cancer, curative resection

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