Diagnosis of alcohol liver disease by gastroenterologist
Mária Szántová Orcid.org 1, Ľubomír Skladaný Orcid.org 2
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The alarming rise in morbidity and mortality from liver diseases is the reason for searching ways to reverse this trend. The COVID-19 period was a time of increased consumption of spirits in Slovakia and associated morbidity and mortality. An effective tool for early detection of risky alcohol consumption is screening in the form of the AUDIT questionnaire followed by intervention and screening of liver disease in the form of laboratory and imaging methods, including ultrasonography and elastography using non-invasive fibrosis indices. Screening for risky alcohol consumption and advanced liver fibrosis in gastroenterologist, hepatologist and general practitioner outpatient offices will help to detect at-risk individuals early and start intervention. This paper presents a screening proposal in the context of the latest EASL and AASLD guidelines and available current reviews of screening worldwide. The goal is to reduce the adverse effects of alcohol in Slovakia.
risk alcohol consumption, AUDIT test, elastography, screeningTo read this article in full, please register for free on this website.
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