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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(6): 492–498. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022492.

Bariatric restrictive surgeries and nutrition

Michaela Hosnedl1

+ Affiliation


In the case of restrictive procedures, more than elsewhere, consistent preparation of the patient is crucial. A nutritional therapist participates in this and tries to pass on partial knowledge not only about nutrition, to such an extent that the patient is subsequently able to continue the reduction himself. The entire multidisciplinary team participates in the education making an effort to maximize the probability of the success of the restrictive procedure and thereby increase the patient’s quality of life. Approaches differ within the individuality of patients and within the type of restrictive procedure. Sufficient motivation and cooperation fundamentally influence the entire process that the person goes through.


restrictive procedures, bariatrics, enteral nutrition, nutritional intervention

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