October 2010
Volume 64 | Number 5
Jiří Ehrmann, Petr Hůlek. Hepatologie.
New booksČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 34.
pdf Milan KmentStarostlivosť o pacientov s akútnou pankreatitídou v Slovenskej republike - prieskum
Original articleČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 4-9.
Summarypdf Martin Huťan, Juraj Payer, Martin Huťan Jr.Comparative analysis of the results of laparoscopic and traditional cholecystectomy in the patients with acute cholecystitis
Original articleČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 10-14.
Summarypdf Bakhtier Nadjiyullaevich ShamirzaevPlace of sorafenib in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Current overviewČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 15-21.
Summarypdf Petra TesařováGastrointestinal Stromal Tumour: Cause of Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Case reportČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 22-25.
Summarypdf Harris Abdullah Ngow, Wan Mohd Nowalid Wan KhairinaThe efficacy of maintenance therapy in ulcerative colitis is influenced by the pharmacokinetics of mesalazine and by adherence to medicamentous therapy Commentary to the PODIUM study
IBDČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 26-29.
Summarypdf Milan LukášProf. MUDr. Jiří Ehrmann CSc. turned seventy
Personal newsČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 30-31.
pdf Vlastimil ProcházkaASNEMGE/EAGE 7th summer school of gastroenterology
Congress reportsČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 32-33.
pdf Ivana Mikoviny Kajzrlíková